Special offers

Discover even more secrets of The Beauty Island Sanctuary! Take advantage of our exclusive offers for regular clients and more. Collect loyalty points or refer us to friends and enjoy your Balinese experience at special prices.

svg%3E - Special Offers

Spa Gift Vouchers

The Beauty Island Sanctuary Spa Gift Vouchers are available for any value or can be for a specific Treatment or Spa Package. You can order a Gift Voucher either by post or purchase it online.

To buy a voucher, please call us on 01903 206954 or click button below.

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svg%3E - Special Offers

Loyalty Program

Earn rewards with every visit! Our Loyalty Points Scheme at The Beauty Island Sanctuary allows you to collect points for each pound you spend, which can be redeemed towards free treatments.

It’s our way of saying thank you for choosing us and making your beauty experience even more rewarding.

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svg%3E - Special Offers

Refer us to your friend

Treat your friend, and we will treat you! Recommend us and get £10 discount on your next spa experience!

How it works:

  1. Email us with your friend’s name (info@thebeautyisland.co.uk).
  2. Your friend will receive 10% OFF* on their first visit.
  3. You will also get a £10 discount on beauty treatments.

 Terms and conditions:

  • The friend you recommend must be a new client to Beauty Island.
  • A 10% discount applies only on full-priced treatments over £25 and not in conjunction with any other offer or gift voucher.
  • The discount does not apply to aesthetic treatments, beauty courses, spa packages, nail extensions, and infills.
  • You will receive your £10 discount after your friend’s first visit.
  • There is no limit on the number of friends you can recommend.
  • We reserve the right to change conditions without personal notifications.

10% OFF

Indulge in Luxury and Rejuvenation.
This January, treat yourself or a loved one 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️
Get this deal!

10% OFF

Indulge in Luxury and Rejuvenation.
Perfect for gifting or treating yourself and someone special to a luxurious spa day. 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️
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